Friday, January 13, 2012

Works cited

 auschwitz. 2004. Photograph. imgs sfgateWeb. 13 Jan 2012. <>.

Boy in stripped pajamas. 2007. Photograph. 200movies1womanWeb. 13 Jan 2012. <>.

SS Officer. 2009. Photograph. daljeWeb. 13 Jan 2012. <
 Zyklon B. 2006. Photograph. PZGWeb. 13 Jan 2012. <>.




The facing history course is about the history of the Holocaust and about not being a bystander. The course tries to teach people to not to just stand by and let injustices happen. You should be an active citizen and stop people doing bad things. This would have possibly stopped the holocaust. The course also tries to keep the memory of the holocaust alive and make the nonbelievers  believe the holocaust actually happened. Just like the title we face the history in ourselves and  look at who we really are. I chose this course because I really like history. My sister who also took the class recommended the class to me because it also had a great effect on her. My name is Tom Rafferty and I am a citizen of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom was actively engaged in stopping the Nazi’s so I am very proud of my country. History is my favorite subject and I am extremely glad I took this course. Without it I would not realize the total effect of the holocaust.


                                                                                Facing History   
                Facing history meant a lot to me. I found that emotionally the course affected me. It made me think about whom I am and how I conduct myself in life. It made me think about all of the little actions I do every day in my life.  Could I be insulting or degrading people without really thinking about it and cause emotional damage. Before facing history I would always ask why didn’t the German people do something to stop Adolf Hitler? I know understand why the German people helped Hitler with his made vision of social cleansing. Controlling a person is easy especially if they have never been taught to think for themselves. I’m convinced that if I was a German in Nazi Germany during 1940 I would be completely under the control of Adolf Hitler. So can we really blame the people of Germany for the atrocities committed in in the 1940’s? Facing History made me think how important it is to not be a bystander and do something about injustices. Even the small things like stopping someone being bullied can make a huge difference.  Ever since I took Facing History in Ourselves I don’t like it went people tell anti sematic jokes.  Before I thought they were kind of funny and ok. But know when I think about it those jokes helped started the holocaust. I don’t think people realize where the jokes truly come from. If everyone took Facing History in Ourselves I don’t think there would be anymore “Jew jokes”.  I also know realize why Israel exists and why they can seem to be overly aggressive and brutal. If someone ever had a genocide of my people as big as the holocaust I would make a Nation to and act just like Israel does. Now I can’t really blame them for their actions. The course makes me appreciate the sacrifices by the allied soldiers in WWII even more. Without their sacrifice Germany could have succeeded in their mission. A lot of those soldiers were around my age and just thinking of their bravery and courage makes me proud to be English. Whenever I hear someone say that the holocaust did not happen or was grossly over exaggerated, it makes me extremely mad. There is so much proof and evidence that it happened it blows my mind to hear someone say it didn’t happen. It also makes me realize that something like the holocaust could happen again if we all believe that it didn’t happen. So it is extremely important to keep the memory of these people who died in the holocaust alive. I’m glad I took facing history so I know the importance of keeping the memory of the holocaust alive. That’s why I think every high school should have to take this course in order to graduate. Facing History in Ourselves made me extremely sad to see little children be involved in the holocaust. From the gassing of four year olds to medical experiments on twins it makes me sick to think of what the Germans did. I was also amazed by how fast one could turn on their own people in order to survive for a little bit longer. Like the Jewish workers at the camp who kicked Jewish people into burring holes of fire. Facing History in Ourselves showed how recently the holocaust was to. That it still affects people today. Before I saw the pictures of the people before they were gassed I never really understood that these were humans and not just figures for the death count of 5 million people dead. When I saw these people walking to the chambers it made me think these people are all different and special and have something to offer. They were no different from me.  Before Facing History in Ourselves I thought that the only people who followed Adolf Hitler were the stupid uneducated people. But Facing History in Ourselves made me realize how it was the educated and wealthy people who first followed Adolf Hitler. Once again I realize that just because you are educated doesn’t mean you can’t be easily manipulated and controlled. I am now a better person because of the course because I will no longer be a bystander and I will help people In need. I will make the right and just choice when presented with a decision. I am no longer ignorant to the fact of keeping the memory of the holocaust alive. As a student the course didn’t really teach me anything other than to be a better classmate to my fellow peers. One fact I learned was how some Jewish people actually stood up and fought back. I always thought that Jewish people did not resist in anyway. I now know that this is false and some Jewish people fought back valiantly and decently effectively. One of the most meaning full lessons was watching the video of what the Americans found when they went into the camp. It made me realize how real the holocaust was and the things that were done to the Jew’s. I was shocked by all the various torture methods used against the Jews in the camps. Also seeing all of the bodies stacked up made me realize the extent of what happened. While the injuries shown were gruesome I realize those were the lucky people and most people were either dead or about to die from starvation.  I wonder how those soldiers were able to go in there and record that carnage. That video showed me the evil that is in the world and the treachery that man is capable of doing if left unchecked. If no one was a bystander maybe the holocaust would never of happened. If everyone had taken Facing History in Ourselves maybe the holocaust would never happen. But now it has happened hopefully we have learned our lesson and such a terrible thing will never happen again. Hopefully history will not repeat itself.